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Which State Should You Move to?

*Answers are recommendations only

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Ultra Thin Lined Spiral
  • This quiz will help you in choosing a state that meshes with your personality, etc.

  • Part 1 is all about AESTHETICS.
  • Part 2 is about MONEY.
  • Part 3 is all about BELIEFS/CULTURE.

  • Remember: It is important to pick an environment you will thrive in. For some people it is the beach, others it is mountains, etc. Likewise, think about if you want an acreage or to live in a suburb or in a bustling city full of apartments where no one could dream of purchasing real estate (e.g. NYC), etc.

Good luck!

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English Countryside

Part 1

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames


In this portion, you will choose your preferences among areas such as climate and proximity to Canada for personal reasons.

FOLLOW and SELECT your answer and review the suggestions the following slide.

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Choose one of the following...

What type of weather do you like?

A. Long winters, short but warm summers

B. Very hot summers with snowy winters

C. Hot summer, mild winter

D. Always warm and sunny

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What type of weather do you like?

A. Long winters, and short but warm summers

Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Maine, Wyoming, Montana, Vermont, Wisconsin, Idaho, New Hampshire, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois

B. Very hot summers with snowy winters

New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Connecticut, Colorado, Utah, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, West Virginia, Washington D.C., New Jersey

C. Hot summer, mild winter

Washington, Oregon, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland

D. Always warm and sunny

Hawaii, Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Oklahoma

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Choose one of the following...

Is it important to be close to Canada?

A. Yes, I need to be close (aging parents, custody arrangements, etc.)

B. So-so, (it would be nice)

C. No, it doesn’t matter

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Is it important to be close to Canada?

A. Yes, I need to be close (aging parents, custody arrangements, etc.)

In this case you’ll be looking at states along the border or within a few hours from Canada.

B. So-so, (it would be nice)

You likely need to be mainland U.S. and might want to pass up places like Hawaii.

C. No, it doesn’t matter

Sky is the limit!

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Time Lapse Photography of Road Near Town
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Part 2

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames

All about Money

In this portion, we’ll look into the cost of living and taxation.

FOLLOW and SELECT your answer and review the suggestions the following slide.

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Choose one of the following...

How important is the cost of living to you?

A. VERY. I don’t have the cash to spare

B. So-so, I could manage if the pay is high enough

C. Ideally something lower

D. No, it doesn’t matter

Ultra Thin Lined Spiral


How important is the cost of living to you?

A. VERY. I don’t have the cash to spare

You will want to avoid the RED states. This means: Hawaii, California, Massachusetts. Instead opt for: North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina

B. So-so, I could manage if the pay is high enough

You would be okay with everywhere except: Hawaii, California, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington D.C.

C. Ideally something lower

Delaware, Virginia, Florida, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and Colorado

D. No, it doesn’t matter

Sky is the limit!

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Choose one of the following...

How do you feel about taxes?

A. High taxes are alright (if the pay is high)

B. Preferably middle of the road taxes are okay

C. Lower taxes please (but often means lower pay)

D. No tax states only please!

Ultra Thin Lined Spiral


How important is the cost of living to you?

A. High taxes are alright (if the pay is high)

California 13.3%, Hawaii: 11%, New York: 10.9%, New Jersey: 10.75%, Oregon: 9.9%, Minnesota: 9.85%, District of Columbia: 10.75%, Vermont: 8.75%, Iowa: 8.53%, Wisconsin 7.65%, Connecticut, and Maine

B. Preferably middle of the road taxes are okay

Arizona, Idaho, North Carolina, Michigan, New Mexico, Washington, Kentucky, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Colorado, West Virginia, Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Nebraska, Maryland, Kansas, Utah, Rhode Island, Illinois

C. Lower taxes please (but often means lower pay)

Delaware, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Montana, Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Missouri,

D. No tax states only please!

Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming

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Beacon Hill, Boston
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Part 3

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames

All about Beliefs/Culture

In this portion, you’ll have to choose some tough areas related to politics and crime.

FOLLOW and SELECT your answer and review the suggestions the following slide.

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Choose one of the following...

Where do you stand politically?

A. Democrat

B. Middle of the road/easy-going

C. Republican

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Where do you stand politically?

A. Democrat

Notice the distribution within the states to determine if you plan to live in the country or city and what that will look like politically - The best state options for democrats are: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin

B. Middle of the road/easy-going

Notice the distribution within the states to determine if you plan to live in the country or city and what that will look like politically - The best state options for those in the middle are: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, and Virginia

C. Republican

Notice the distribution within the states to determine if you plan to live in the country or city and what that will look like politically. The following states nearly always vote Republican: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming

Likewise, not only might you want to move to somewhere with the same consistent political leanings, but you might want to AVOID moving somewhere with the completely OPPOSITE beliefs & values.

*2020 Election

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Choose one of the following...

How important is the issue of crime to you?

A. Very important

B. So-so

C. Not so important

Ultra Thin Lined Spiral


How important is the issue of crime to you?

A. Very important

You may want to avoid the top 15 states for crime: Washington D.C., New Mexico, Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, California, Colorado, South Carolina, Missouri, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, New York, and Oklahoma.

And head to the safest top 15 states for crime: Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Wyoming, New Jersey, Kentucky, Vermont, Virginia, Idaho, Utah, Mississippi, Florida, Hawaii, and West Virginia

B. So-so

In descending order of crime rates (not including the top 15 crime states or the lowest crime state) for states precisely in the middle are: Montana, Kansas, Alabama, North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, South Dakota, Washington, Georgia, Oregon, Massachusetts, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and North Dakota

C. Not so important

Anywhere then!

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By going over these questions, hopefully this can help as a springboard to ask harder questions to decide on which state you want to move to. I am not a fan of determining which state to move to based on just the superficial and surface level reasons (e.g. beaches or mountains, etc.). Any additional questions you think should be added to this quiz? DM me and let me know!